2017. augusztus 5., szombat

Többet ésszel, mint erővel: amikor az izom táplálja az agyat !

But in the period between meals, especially if prolonged, there is some degradation of muscle protein to amino acids ⑤. These amino acids donate their amino groups (by transamination) to pyruvate, the product of glycolysis, to yield alanine, which is transported to the liver and deaminated. The resulting pyruvate is converted by hepatocytes into blood glucose (via gluconeogenesis), and the NH3 is converted into urea for excretion. The glucose returns to the skeletal muscles to replenish muscle glycogen stores. One benefit of this cyclic process, the glucose-alanine cycle (see Fig. 17-9), is the smoothing out of fluctuations in blood glucose in the periods between meals. The amino acid deficit incurred in the muscles is made up after the next meal from incoming dietary amino acids.

Lehninger-Nelson-Cox: Principles of Biochemistry, 740.o.

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